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Creation: 10/08/2009 09:17
Update: 31/07/2010 05:33
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bnfg :: A Personal Guide for TCOS

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: Build Guide to DFO - 31/07/2010 05:33

The DFO build is very close to the one we currently run as MT. We take the three points out of Focused Rage and put them into Cruelty. We have rage to spare most of the time, and we are never sitting on an empty bar when we pull. We do toy with pulling points out of IHS for Iron Will. When you get MC'd or Stunned that 20% reduction is 20% less time you are not tanking, or 20% less time you are taking full hits. But, without taking Focused Rage, our heroic strikes are costing us a little more rage than we like. However, glyph of heroic strike and glyph or revenge tend to make up the difference.

We think not taking impale is actually wasting points. With the spec Gamca linked, you are not losing any avoidance stats. You are not losing any tanking abilities. You are picking up some more damage(Dungeon Fighter Online gold) at the cost of rage. Whether you generate as much rage, we will leave up to the theorycrafters. We know from anecdotal, we are liking the more damage instead of cheaper abilites, and we are not missing many GCDs unless we are just waiting on a split second revenge/shield slam CD. We provideDFO powerleveling for you.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: The Useful Guide to DFO - 15/05/2010 06:37

Here are the formulas we have been using in DFO. They have been vetted on these forums:

NormalizedAPBonus = ( AP / 14 ) * 3.3.
RawAPBonus = (AP / 14 ) * Weapon(Dungeon Fighter Online gold) Speed.
AvgWepDmg = ( min + max ) / 2.

Avg white hit = ( AvgWepDmg + RawAPBonus ) * 1.06.
where 1.06 = 2H Wep Spec talent.

HS Hit = ( AvgWepDmg + RawAPBonus + 495 ) * 1.06.
HS Crit = HS Hit + HS Hit * (1.2)(1.03)(1.05).
where 20% impale bonus + 3% meta + 5% Poleaxe.

EX Hit = ( 1456 + .2 * AttackPower + 38 * Rage ) * 1.06.
EX Crit = EX Hit + EX Hit * (1.2)(1.03)(1.05).
where max rage = 30 max - 15 (or 10 if talented) + 10(if glyphed) = 25 or 30.
min rage = 15 - 15(or 10) + 10 = 10 or 15.

MS Hit = ( AvgWepDmg + NormalizedAPBonus + 380 ) * (1.1)(1.1)(1.06).
MS Crit = MS Hit + MS Hit * (1.2)(1.03)(1.05).
where 10% bonus from talent, 10% from glyph, 6% 2HWepSpec.

OP Hit = ( AvgWepDmg + NormalizedAPBonus ) * (1.2)(1.06).
where 20% bonus from talent, 6% 2HWepSpec.
OP Crit = OP Hit + OP Hit * (1.2)(1.03)(1.05).

SL Hit = ( AvgWepDmg + RawAPBonus ) *1.06.
where 1.06 = 2HWep spec.
SL Crit = SL Hit + SL Hit * (1.2)(1.03)(1.05).

We provide DFO powerleveling for you to level up.


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: Know Class Skills in DFO - 13/04/2010 06:19

We think is the most important prerequisites, you can easily use Korean DnF skills simulator thing on their website. For most of the professional skill set that everything we do, we have got the simulator, so all the class skills will improve our skills in DFO, as they will help, or have great influence.

For our Striker, after getting the prereqs down, we raised Lightning Dance, One Inch Punch, and strong damaging skills like that, and useful buffs since she has like 4, 2 of which are not so important. Perhaps you should download the test server, and try that out if you are playing Korean DnF. We do no know if Arad Senki has a downloadable test server. We provide DFO powerleveling for you.

The test server helped us to experience(DF online gold) all the skills aside from Awakening, so we could plan out which skills are more suited to our playstyle, and will most likely be raised in accordance to that style.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: Something About Spitfire in DFO - 09/04/2010 05:34

We are thinking spitfire, berserker, weapon master, elementalist, nenmaster, exo. Spitfire is pretty easy to level(DFO powerleveling). Mine's at 29 and decimates behemoth. We have been able to solo outer and the dendroid on kings. We struggled a little in Sky Tower. We have yet to buy a single piece of equipment for him. The level 18 enlightenment bowgun is sick, really. You get better weapons in DFO as you go on, and your piercing buff coupled with the grenades for knock back and crossmore give really solid crowd control.

Easy to group. Once you have two different nades you can charge both and interchange them during their cooldowns. BBQ and windmill if anything gets too close. Exorcist is just a cakewalk. We do not know how else to explain it. If we ever actually buy him something we will be shocked. We have a grappler and we are not too happy with her right now. Level(Dungeon Fighter Online gold) 17 mage that will probably go witch - but you seem to know about mages.